“By an act of faith, Abraham said yes to God’s call to travel to an unknown place that would become his home. When he left he had no idea where he was going. By an act of faith, he lived in the country promised him, lived as a stranger camping in tents. Isaac and Jacob did the same, living under the same promise. Abraham did it by keeping his eye on an unseen city with real, eternal foundations—the City designed and built by God.”Hebrews 11: 8-10
May 30, 2013- 9:53am. This date and time is written in capital letters and circled on the top of a page in my journal. This is the date I gave my house away. Everything about that moment is still vivid to me. The warm sunshine flooded the back deck, our big, lazy white cat slept under the edge of the porch and the majestic mountains shimmered in the distance. The hands of my husband built this house. A place that was brimming with the memories of a family that loved and laughed and fought and grew up there together. It was the most peaceful place I had ever known, but now there was an emptiness within those walls that nothing could fill again. A home full of a silence that was unbearable at times. But to leave it behind was incomprehensible. The memories I could dwell in there were my cocoon from the reality of a broken life that now stretched out before me.
God had been wooing my heart to let go and follow Him to a new place for months before this day. He was calling me over and over to go and I had been fighting Him every single square inch of the way. I sat in the sun that day and contemplated the impossible. How could I let go of the countless memories and experiences our family had on this land? The house built for us from the ground up by such loving hands. The last pieces of my old life were wrapped up in the walls of this place. Surely God would never ask for this too. It was too much to leave behind- the cost is too great and I have given enough…. Too much. Surely God wouldn’t expect me to give the last thing I have to cling to. Clearly and immediately the answer came to me as if God spoke it out loud in the stillness of that sun-filled space-
“ You could never give up more than I have given for you. I gave up my only son… on the cross… for you. You could never give enough, even if you gave every moment of every day for the rest of your life it could never match what I have done for you, all because I love you. And this place… this house and land that you so dearly love… it is temporary. Every place you have lived and every place you ever live while you are on this planet is rental property –your true permanent residence is in heaven with me. I want to give you something amazing now- a new life- new hope- new love- but your fists are so tightly clenched on your own will that you can’t take hold of what I have. Let go of this and see what I can do”
At that moment something inside me broke. The knowledge sank into me that all that I had and ever would have is because of the Lord, what He had given, what He had taken away- everything is I own is because of Him and for Him. That’s what I signed up for when I traded my old broken life for a life with Christ. So I said out loud, actually, I think I yelled it- "Fine God- I give you this house. This place- all of it is yours to do whatever you choose with- It's all yours" In that moment it was as if God breathed out the word “FINALLY”. He had been patiently waiting for me to let go. And unlike I would do in my selfish human state, He did not hold my months of resistance to His will against me. Over the next months, He graciously revealed in every single way possible that I was following Him. Like a tidal wave, His plan unfolded over me and He worked through every detail to lead us. We moved into our new home in Montana less than three months from that day that I gave my house to Him.
Looking at the situation I thought quite a bit about of how I would have handled it if I were God. So ridiculous to even imagine myself in God’s shoes, but I did. I imagined myself with an amazing gift to give my children. Something they so desperately needed in their life. With outstretched arms, I would offer it again and again only to have them turn their back. They don’t trust me that my gift is perfect and exactly what they need. They try to seek their own gift but they don’t have the resources or the wisdom to get it on their own. They try to get it themselves through many empty avenues and finally in frustration they cry out “Just give me what you have then”. Not with joy but with tears and trembling and fear. In that moment of their surrender would I extend the gift willingly and immediately with love? I want to think so, but I feel like my flesh would take over and I would withhold it. Claiming my right to wallow in my own offense over their constant rejection. Praise God that He is at the very core mercy. His character is redemption and love and grace. He does not repay us as our sins deserve but pours love and grace and forgiveness out when we come. In the weeks that followed this moment I marveled over new truths about the character of our God. He isn’t just merciful to us, He IS mercy. He doesn’t just extend grace, He IS grace. To the core, every time. He can’t do anything else because He can’t be anything else…. ever.
Over and over since I moved to Montana last summer God has echoed the same words in my mind and in my heart "I AM ENOUGH". Such simple words to grasp, but I just can't seem to get my footing and cling to this above what I want. I find myself falling back into the mode of doubting that this is His perfect gift to me. I am breathless with hurt in the times when my heart longs for our old home, those memories, and most of all for the family that laughed and loved and fought and grew up there together. I don’t want this temporary home, this tent living anymore. I long for the familiarity of home.
There is a song out right now and I can't hold it together when it comes on.
"There's no place I would rather be
There's no place I would rather be
There's no place I would rather be than here in your love, here in your love."
I desperately want those words to reflect the condition of my heart and the focus of my days. That wherever I go, whatever I do - the place I want to be most is where God is calling me to be, not where I wish I was. That the place I desire to be more than any other on earth is with Jesus. To want it more than the strong human arms that used to hold me when I was afraid. The warmth I felt next to my beloved in bed at night when the day was done and the house was quiet. To want to with God more than to be in the presence of my first love, the one whose heart was completely mine. I want this so badly but it's really, really hard to live it out day after day. The loneliness feels like it could swallow me up, suck me down to the depths forever. So patiently, all day, every day God shows me in countless ways that my heart is His and He is mine. God is all and is in all. He is enough. This is what I work on day-by-day, hour-by-hour and sometimes minute-by-minute. There is no going back now, so I struggle forward, to continue to pitch my tent wherever God calls me to go. Because He is enough. I don’t know how many more times I will pull up stakes and move my tent for my God. I don’t want to think what other places He will call me to roam to for His purpose. But my only choice is to strive to fix my eyes on the truth that one day I will open the door to my final home, already built for me now, waiting in eternity. Within those walls, the strong familiar arms I ache for will be open wide to welcome me… Finally home.
I am glad He has called you to pitch your tent here for now!
I can't think of any better camping spot!! So glad you in the same campground as me :) LOVE YA!!!